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liang lao shi want us write a xin wen tao lun about olympics. err i don't even watch can, its like so... boring? i mean they were like fighting for gold or whatever and forgot about relaxing? seriously if one of them actually stop being sooo serious they might win. but no offence la. and yup i finally post =)
me like the song - reflection i change the lyrics but i cant write much now, need do work, will update tonight i hope.
8:38 PM

sian... i'm damn sleepy today. and like we have to run 25 rounds for P.E. i feel soo... nice! but seriously la... next week must run 8 rounds and for those poor people who joining cross country 10 rounds thats like 3.2km and 4km.... wow! then kinda quarrelled with quek yu xin over $$ anyways, i did say i am going to be more money minded. ok today was seriously boring and so is my blog anyway tomorrow got rain gauge and got what time compo or sth. argh.
P.S. i'm going to link 2 blogs SOON but not sure when... this is lame..
2:07 AM

i'm currently so in to ai li si xue yuan <3 <3 <3 its damn nice. thinking of changing my blogskin to it. i like the girl character and hope soooo much to be like her. but i think... i will have to try damn hard. anyways, happy racial harmony day! today got some celebrations which is quite err... nvm you should be able to figure it out :) and lets see... me currently like q. yu xin but that will probably change soon. haha. i seriously dun have much to say cos my mind is thinking abt ice cream... so lets wait till my mind is clearer. muahahaha
6:24 AM

today is like damn argh.... MY BAG IS LOCKED AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and now i'm at library waiting for the NPCCs to come back so they can unlock our classroom =.= and i can take my bag, and i can go home, and i can sleep, and i wont have eyebags and i will look nicer, and i wont scare everyone away and... arghs MY BAGGGGG actually i should be sleeping now lor, but i stayed back to do math.... and quek yu xin is simply daft and wen hsin looked pissed after teaching her so many times. argh my bag my bag... i just cant stop thinking about my bag... but at least i have my tpc here. well i might post again later cos i'm thinking about my BAG!
P.S. Randomness: i heard Farted to love you when xanicia was saying fated to love you ><
1:04 AM

i just finished cooking porridge and eating it, its damn yummy i tell u =) first time using scratch vege-s to cook. normally i used canned food =P nth much this few days but today some relief teacher came during la and her name is miss chan too. she looked like the hong kong show - 真情 the May may. lol, and then we also presented for mesopotamia civilisation and there's ALOT of questions. think our presentation not too good... and there's assembly where its held in library. we got a new type of chat system but sadly we cant add anyone else other then those in our school =( but still i think i should try downloading msn.. hehe actually i dun have much left to say other then that the porridge i cooked was extremely delicious. maybe i can be a cook if i cant be a singer/ actress =)
P.S. i think i saw lim yu shan on the 74 bus... the mee toh one... looked kinda familiar, she go nan yang and i had the urge to call her but still, i didn't
1:21 AM

argh...yesterday sucked. no tpc for the whole day because of some stupid software updating. unable to read comic during recess & after school. and right, that quek yu xin seriously pissed me off because she refuse to help with cloud log and when i asked her to come over she's like why do i need to go because i dunno? AND CONTINUE TALKING TO YIH XI. so, i took me metal ruler, walked over and slammed her desk with it. well at least i succeeded in making yih xi scream. and amelia was like may u want go take the cca transfer form? i was like later. then she dint help a singe bit by saying that she's urgent she's ALWAYS urgent.this is definitely not talking behind her back cos she can come and see this post if she want. =) then after that when i came home i met the gang. we finally met after a week. then, we meet up today too. pretty funny on what happened today. first, we went thomson plaza, then we came back. duh. si jia and i had sushis and were eating it infront of target cafe. then this woman walked pass and saw our box containing sushis and she asked whether she can have it and the plastic bag which contain the box which contain the sushi, because she wanna "da bao" the buffet food. then i was like ok, since i almost finished. then she asked whether we want eat, then we like abit pai seh but she insist, so we go eat and jia hui even called her mum to come eat =.= then we went to lan to play audi =) ok then before that right, si jia actually wanted to like err.. break up with her bf? then she asked the bf to come and then the bf insist on not breakin and then i got pissed and come out from behind the wall where we are listening and wanna tell him. then his face was like a sad puppy so i told si jiaa to say that she just sid this break up thing to give him a bday surprise =.= well, then after ALL this we went to the playground and played the bodoh cheer. its abit like the makan cheer but i'm not gonna say it out, its pretty like a code for "our gang" and anyways, it pretty easy to figure it out. then those who kinda make error must forfeit. si jia got 2, so the first is to sing xin yuan bian li tie, and the next is to say i love jia wei (her bf) then she asked if she can do the second forfeit first. its easier then the first, so i made a gesture to her behind where her bf is standing. (he went away for awhile) then right i think she dint get it and said i love jia wei i was like hes behind u and i'm thinking in my heart why cat she ust turn around and say i love you? ok then when she turned around she saw him, get a shock, scream, and start hitting me... PLEASE i thought she saw him. then right, we played uno, then that stupid yu jie came, then he saw my packet of soy sauce and wasabi from the sushi, then he go put the soy sauce packet on the floor and stepped on it, then the soy sauce squirt out, then he pour it on my hand, freak him. and okay, i scold a bad word but please la i now still smelled like soy sauce........ and si jia just said that her bf is sick today. so i was like then why u still want break up with him today? so bad. ok i know its my idea but she went on with it so its not entirely my fault right? ^^v
7:08 AM

okay managed to go through the whole day without talking behind people's back =) like today, i directly told lin yu that he has a very irritating voice and quek yu xin that she sucked ( of cos not very true for q. yu xin though.) today is pretty boring too recieved a stupid "comment" from ek whye but still, who cares ^^ and oh mi gosh i got leg cramp. *AGAIN* and i think i did it purposely because i wanna experience the cramp when i'm not sleeping. (i always got leg cramp when i'm sleeping) then i'm like totally regretting it. my muscle bulged out. EW! and i'm like throwing the pillows all around and yes, i screamed and cried =P luckily my dads at home la so i dint really die or anything. to day got math, science and chinese homework.. arghs =< oh ya and i made a new parting for me hair! but wont be much diff when i go to school. and speaking of going to school, i think i'm going to get a damn old-fashioned glasses of 0 degrees just to make myself even uglier then i am now. please la, i now so ugly still will get stalked. so must make uglier, i'm considering PCK mole too =P hehe guess thats all for today folks!
7:16 AM

Name - May
Age - 13
Birthday - 26th March 95
Country - Singapore
School - Dunman High School

Loves doraemon, the sky, the clouds, lollipops, debating or in other words arguing =>

Wishes to be better?



Ms Cynthia!
Wan Qi
Mildred AKA milkkie
si jia

February 2008 March 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008

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Background - */
Designer -